2025 Courses
In reverse chronological order, please scroll down to see all pending courses:
Conference for Assistive Technology and Education (CATE)
Wheelchair Dynamic Seating: Providing Movement for Clinical Benefit
Making Power Wheelchairs Smarter
Kansas City Pediatric Alliance / LUCI
Merriam, KS
2024 Courses
In reverse chronological order, please scroll down to see all pending courses:
Wisconsin Children's
Speech Generating Devices: Access, Vision, and Mounting
Milwaukee, WI
Mobility and Positioning Conference
Positioning the Pelvis
Positioning the Head
Secondary Supports
Assistive Technology for Kansans (ATK)
Early Intervention: seating and mobility
10/17/24 Lawrence, KS
10/18/24 Wichita, KS
Alpine Rehab / Stealth Products
Positioning the Pelvis
Positioning the Trunk
Positioning the Head
Salt Lake City, UT
MedBridge Course Recordings
The Mat Assessment
Positioning the Pelvis
Positioning the Trunk
Positioning the Extremities
Positioning the Head
Positioning: a series of case studies
Kirkland, WA
September 2024
Canadian Seating and Mobility Conference / Seating Dynamics
Maintaining Posture by Providing Movement
Toronto, Ontario
How do I know the student is positioned appropriately?
How do I know the student is ready for power mobility?
Switch Assessment
Salem, OR
International Seating Symposium
Secondary Supports: it's all in the angles
3/6/2024 (Virtual)
2023 Courses
In reverse chronological order, please scroll down to see all courses:
New Mexico Department of Health
Tone and Tone Management
Dynamic Seating for Wheelchairs
Albuquerque, NM
Alpine Rehab Conference
Power Mobility: Alternative Driving Methods (4 hour with Wade Lucas)
Power Mobility: programming to optimize driving (4 hour with Wade Lucas)
Muscle Tone, Tone, Management and Dynamic Seating Intervention
Salt Lake City, UT
Canadian Seating and Mobility Conference
Dynamic Seating: providing movement for clinical benefit
Toronto, BC
AAC Positioning and Access
6/5-6/2023 (Virtual)
Pediatric Seating
The Importance of Early Mobility and Mobility Training
Assessment and Driving Methods
5/25-26/2023 (Recorded)
International Seating Symposium
Programmable Power Wheelchair Driving Methods - a new generation of options
Sensors on Wheelchairs - improving efficiency and safety in mobility
Building Consensus in Seating and Wheeled Mobility Evaluations
Pittsburgh, PA
2022 Courses
In reverse chronological order, please scroll down to see all courses:
Canadian Seating and Mobility Conference
Positioning Kids
Bringing New Technology to Power Wheelchair Assessment and Training
Toronto, Canada
Alpine Rehab Conference
Positioning Kids: so much more than smaller equipment?
Pediatric Power Mobility: let's get moving!
Secondary Supports: it's all in the angles!
Dynamic Seating: providing movement for clinical benefit
Salt Lake City, UT
School Based Practitioners Summit
Positioning the Pelvis
Positioning the Head
Positioning Kids
Columbus, OH
International Seating Symposium (Virtual)
Smart Wheelchairs - what's available for power chair safety? 2/1/22
with Jean Minkel
Dynamic Seating - Diverse Applications: a series of Case Studies 2/1/22
with Missy Ball and Mary Shea
1/30 - 2/2/2022
2021 Courses
In reverse chronological order, please scroll down to see all courses:
Action Seating / Stealth Products
Positioning for Function
Tulsa, OK
New Mexico Mobility and Positioning Conference - virtual
Dynamic Seating
New Mexico
Alpine Rehab
Head School
Let's Get Real: using Virtual Reality for Power Wheelchair Assessment and Training (with Gabriel Romero)
Salt Lake City, UT
Alliance Rehab & Medical / Stealth Products
Power Mobility: Alternative Driving Methods
9/21/21 Springfield, MO
9/22/21 St. Louis, MO
Miller's Annual Conference
Power Mobility: Alternative Driving Methods
Akron, OH
The AAC Speech Clinic
Positioning and Access for SLPs
Las Vegas, NV
RESNA - virtual
Judging Smart (with Jean Minkel and Jered Dean)
Numotion NuFair - virtual
Mobility: Dependent vs. Independent. What are the Clinical Indicators?
Local Inservice - virtual
Wheelchair Positioning
Course update recordings
March, 2021
Infinitec - virtual
2/9/21 Switched-On Students, part 1
2/16/21 Switched-On Students, part 2
Power Mobility series recording
January, 2021
2020 Courses
In reverse chronological order, please scroll down to see all courses:
Alpine Rehab Conference - virtual
Slip Sliding Away: positioning the pelvis
Supporting the Primary Support Surfaces - appropriate use of secondary supports
Pediatric Power Mobility Assessment and Driving Training Tools
Salt Lake City, UT
AT-TIES Together Conference - virtual
Dynamic Seating
How Do I Know a Child is Ready for Power Mobility?
Salem, OR
International Seating Symposium
A New RESNA Position Paper on Dynamic Seating
Vancouver, BC
Travis Cares
Slip Sliding Away - Positioning the Pelvis
Sit Up Straight - Positioning the Trunk
Positioning Kids
Reimagining the Assessment Process
Travis Medical / Stealth Products
Georgetown, TX
For course information prior 2020, please click below: